hope you enjoy reading! - mae :)


May 21, 2008

Down and Troubled

it has been nearly 2 months since i migrated from Pasay to Makati for work, in pursuit of higher pay, and a different work environment.

I joined an IT company. Armed with nothing but my experience in call center, a trainer certification, my award kuno, my three year experience being a trainer, my DSL background and some basic knowledge in programming - i went for it. I thought it will make or break my career. Sigh. I know I have learned so many things already but I feel like I still lack some more knowledge. I will be running a New Hire Class next week and I am still weak. I still don't know how to 'debug' and run things in AI. Good Lord help me. My managers are expecting more than what I can provide yet.

Come to think of it, I know the solution to my problems, I know what to do - but I'm not doing it. Why Mae? I don't know. I need more motivation, I need more passion to learn. I need more reasons to become thirsty for knowledge again.

I am moved by the negative forces I am thinking. STOP it mae. be humble. you need help.

Dear God,
please grant me the humility to do the things I have to do. make me humble in front of other people. grant me the wisdom and knowledge that will help me in fulfilling what is expected and asked of me. help me follow what you have laid in front of me.
Thank you.

** sorry about my post ** maybe only me or only few people can understand, this is me - feeling down and troubled.

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